Tips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks

We would love to tell you how to get the most out of your Bluebot robot vacuum. Please watch the videos for handy tips & tricks.

In our Youtube channel of Blaupunkt Robotics you may find all our instructions videos including of the Bluebot app.

Your house has never been so clean this easy and quick!

Clean brushes

Regularly clean brushes. Don’t know how? Watch how for the Bluebot XTREME.


Find out about the Blaupunkt Bluebot XBOOST in this video.


Find out about the Blaupunkt Bluebot XTREME in this video.

App instructions

Connect your Bluebot XBOOST to the Bluebot app.


XBOOST dust bin



Open Chat
Need Support?
Can we help you?
We will reply within office hours (09:00-17:00 from Monday to Friday).
Please make sure to send us all information:
> Robot model (e.g. XBOOST)
> Robot S/N (e.g. VCBB1XS011811583)
> Purchase receipt in case of a defect
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We will do our best to reply ASAP.